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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Turkey Day is almost here.

You cooked
You cleaned
Now enjoy some ME time

So your oven is dirty with boiled over pie. WHO CARES!!!
Come in and play with us. We are having a Cedar wide "Make It and Take It" weekend Inish Knits, Duck to Swan, L. Saile Jewelry and of course Liberty Bell Quilts will be participating.

Bring your family, friends and kids, watch how to make a covered ceramic quilted trivet or hand stitched wool felt stocking ornament. Kits are available to take with you or make it here with our machines and help. The kits have everything you need to make a special handmade Holiday gift for only $4.99.

We are changing up the after Thanksgiving Sale this year. This sale will keep you guessing until you're ready to check out. At the register, reach into the fishbowl to determine your discount:
and one lucky customer will receive 50% OFF Their entire purchase*!
(YES, after drawing you can add more to your stash pile!)

All Christmas Fabric 20%

Judy also promised homemade (not the frozen kind) Dutch Apple Pie. So don't fight the crowds at the Mall and join us!!!!

Happy Thanksgivng!!!!
Judy and Kathy

Liberty Bell Quilts
9027 S. Kasson St
Cedar, MI

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's Been A While

Well it's been a long time since the last blog. As many of you know Judy's (LBQ owner) husband passed away on July 20th. Judy and her sons are getting back to a new normal. The quilt store is also getting back to a new normal also.

Judy and I are attending market in Houston this week. This is our first market, so we are very excited. My suitcase is packed and I am ready to go. I am really excited to tell you all about our adventure. Lot's of pictures to come.

Liberty Bell Quilts hours have changed just a bit for October. We are open Monday - Saturday 11 -6 , Tuesday we are open until 8:30 and Sunday hours are 12-4. The color on the trees are just poking out, but in the next couple of weeks it should be a great time to go for a ride thru Leelanau county. Here are some of our upcoming activities.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May is going fast...

She may be a bit over weight, she sheds hair, she is old, and she loves to kiss. No No not me,(even though I could be described the same way) her name is Millie. My husband and I adopted her from the Cherry Land Humane Society last week. She was there for a year and one week. Future pet owners want the young and cute. I will say they passed up a gem. She was called Kaylee at the pound and we renamed her Millie.

I redid the windows and put banners on the outside. It looks like a party everyday. Hope you will stop in and say Hi. Speaking of party I am off to sew something. I feel inspired.
See you soon,
Your friend Kathy

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Well we had a fabulous turn out for our Fun in the Sun Party yesterday, May 2nd. The patio was set up (really just the sidewalk)
Inish Knits and Liberty Bell Quilts celebrated the summer season with Hawaiian shirts, Summer cocktails (virgin pina coladas and Fun (sex) on the Beach), cheese and crackers and fresh off the boat pineapple. My daughter came to help out, she made a wonderful bartender and assistant. She is not a quilter but she is a wonderful graphic artist I would like to think she was a chip off the old block.

Now on to our Mother's Day Make It and Take It. On Saturday, May 9th 1-4pm we will be making a card to give to that special person in your life. No sewing to this project.

Cedar is having another fun get together on Saturday, May 23rd. There is going to be a Tent set up at the Cedar Station with artists doing their art from 10 am - 5 pm. Then there is the famous Cedar Stroll from 5 - 8 pm with beverages and snacks at each business. It is a pleasant way to see all the great things that Cedar has to offer.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A week in review...

Oh yea it happened, I lost my voice. Well not all of my voice but enough to screw up my singing. My son and Melissa (Inish Knits) share April 13th as their birthdays. So I did my duty and sang the entire Happy Birthday song to both of them. K.C. recognized me but Melissa wasn't sure what was coming at her from the voicemail. I do love to sing if only I could.

I thought I would update you on new info, fresh from the truck arrivals and what I finished this week. Let's begin with New Info. Judy Bell (owner of Liberty Bell Quilts) made it home for a short visit this past weekend. As many of you know her husband has had a bone marrow transplant. His blood counts are going up but he is experienceing some GVHD and breathing diffuculty. He remains in the hospital with Judy at his side. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Did I mention it was great to see Judy? She made coffee and we all know her coffee is the best in Cedar (I would like to take credit for second best coffee - CAN'T).

Here are the new arrivals. Michael Miller fabrics (which happen to be made in the USA) in 3 new collections, Andalucia, Flights of Fancy amd Farmers Market.

We also recieved a lovely collection from "In The Beginning" fabric called Annabelle (a light green, pink and dabs of blue).Mother's Day is almost here why not get Mom (yourself) a special rotary cutter, mat and Best Press (all lavendar and only $28.00 for the 3 piece set).
That is it for the new arrivals. Now on to what I got fininshed. Notice the halter in the above picture (Amy Butler's new pattern). There is a sweet summer skirt made out of the
Andalucia line put this skirt with a cute T-shirt and you are ready for a summer stroll. I also made a grocery bag for Earth Day next week (25% off Sale Room Fabric on April 22). The 6 Hour Quilt is done, it took 6 weeks but who is counting. I will post pictures later.

Well enough of my rambling...Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where Are My Peeps????

Well bad me, I didn't post last week but ..............................

I only received 2 comments on my last blog. I know I have more peeps out there than that. Heck my Facebook profile shows I have 58 friends. Look at the picture of my peeps looking for quilting friends in the snow. There are still 8 more $5.00 gift certificates. I will even take a sarcastic comment. Here is a photo of the Purple Peeps just waiting for Easter and all their quilting friends.

Last weekend I went on my Guilds Retreat at a local camp. I worked on a free Amy pattern using the Daisy Chain line of fabric. The Amy Butler line is very popular and her web site provides many free patterns. There were 23 quilters at our retreat. We all had fun and some of us even broke out in song (Bye Bye Miss American Pie was the longest and was most hated and loved of the songs).
Last week I also finished this backpack, it is an Indigo Junction pattern called Boxy Backpack. I used the charm pack collection from Moda called Collection for a Cause. The cause is Diabetes(I am a Type 1 insulin dependant diabetic) which has gone on long too long without a cure. So be sure to support this cause by purchasing a charm pack.

I had my friend Melissa from Inish Knits take the picture (look at all her great yarn).

Well that is it for last week. I finished one project started 2 new projects and have 89 UFO's at home. Oh my gosh!!!! it is the UPS man with a package. Be sure to come in and see us soon!!!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Win a $5.00 certificate to Liberty Bell Quilts

Good Day to all Peeps out there,
It's been a week since my last post. We did receive some new fabrics from In The Beginning company called Proud.
These fabrics are so bright and dare I say purple and green. I am thinking maybe a great summer top. I even have a pattern in mind. If only I didn't have so many projects at home begging (like projects can talk) for me to finish.

If you are following the blog I would love to have you sign up as an official follower. I am even willing to give a $5.00 gift certificate to Liberty Bell Quilts, to the first 10 different peeps who leave a comment on the blog site. Sooooooo comment away!

Until later,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Fabrics Are Coming In....

I hope everyone survived St. Patrick's Day. I had my traditional green beer, which I had to make myself with a Labatts and green food coloring paste. I don't have to tell you how much better beer tastes green. Well I digress, I am here to tell you what is new at Liberty Bell Quilts.

I know every blog will tell you spring is upon us, and all the joys that it beholds. Well kiddies I am telling you it is about time winter was over! It's that glass half-full or half-empty thing. It is so nice not to have salt stuck to my boots, which in turns tracks up the beautiful wood floors. Even that big pile in front of the store is slowly melting away. Yea!!!!

Ok Ok let's talk about what is new here. I changed the windows and moved fabric around (I love moving things). I am making room for the new fabrics that are arriving. We have a new Free Spirit Fabric ABC's & 123's designed by Jone Hallmark.
Here is a close up of the aqua #3 and the shelve full of the collection:

Go to for a free pattern using ABC's & 123's.

We also got our first Holiday fabric for 2009. It's from Benertex and is called City Girl Holiday designed by Kitty Yoshida. Go to to few the swatches. Here is a picture of the fabrics center stage on our trestle table.

Well that is all I have time for today, I promise to be a better blogger and blog on a more reasonable schedule like more than once a month.

Enjoy the day!!!!!
Your quilting friend

Monday, February 23, 2009

Fat Tuesday

Liberty Bell Quilts is celebrating Fat Tuesday with fresh from Potter's Paczki.  So stop in and eat a paczki and see what is new in Cedar.  We are getting new shipments of fabric and patterns daily.

We love to have visitors anytime.  Thursdays 1-4  and 6:30 - 8:00 is open sewing.  Bring in those projects you need help on and have a nice snack and enjoy some friendly conversations
We have a Dear Jane Club this Saturday, 10am - 12:00.  Call for details

Hope to see you soon, now that the days are getting longer.

Fat Tuesday

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sweet Treat Bag class and Kit: Sunday February 1st. Noon until 5 PM
This 8" x 9" clutch style bag is self lined and done in luscious valentine brown and pink colors with a little "I Love Lucy" print. Class including kit is $14.50.
Perfect to put in your tote bag or overnight case. Make one for yourself or a gift for a special friend.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Events on the schedule!

Dear Jane Club Saturday, Jan. 24, 10 – 12 pm

Make your own Baby Jane every month there will be 2 – 3 blocks presented. You are welcome to join this club anytime. All club attendees will receive a fat eighth and receive a 20 % discount for the day of the club.

Cup Cake Week Jan. 26 – 31

Thinking about making a special gift for your Valentine or even yourself, Liberty Bell is the place to be. All patterns and books 25% off and if that is not enough we will be snacking on cupcakes all week long.

Super Bowl Sale Sunday, February 1, 12 – 5:00 pm

Tailgate with us, we will have all those traditional treats. Take another 25% off all sale room fabrics, get $5.00 refills on Best Press, 40% off select notions, and a Make It & Take It “Sweet Treat Bag. Kit is $14.50 class fee included with kit.

Charity Quilting Wed. Feb 11, 1-4pm

February is American Heart Month. The Red Dress promotion reminds women of the need to protect their heart health, and inspires them to take action. We will be making heart pillows for the Munson Hospital cardiac unit.

Potholder of the Month Thurs., Feb. 12, 2 – 4 and 6:30 – 8:30

It wouldn’t be February without a Heart potholder. We will be piecing this potholder and learning how to make ½ square triangles. Kit will be $7.59.

Miniature Quilting Sat., Feb. 14, 1-4pm

Quilts come in all sizes. We just happen to be making a Miniature Shoo Fly quilt. Make your mini a scrap quilt or a 2 color quilt the choice is yours. Class with supplies is $25.00.

Pajama Party Sunday, Feb. 15, 11:30 -4pm

Bring in a friend, mother, sister or child and make a pair of the most luscious pajama pants. Class is free with purchase of fabric. Come in your PJ’s and get a special gift.

Fat Tuesday Tues., Feb. 24

You can’t be in Cedar and not serve these pastries on this special day. If you buy two Jelly Rolls, you may pick out any pattern ($8.50 or less) for free after all Paczki are jelly rolls in polish disguise. (Jelly rolls are collections of fabric pre cut to 2 ½ inches)

Dear Jane Club Sat., Feb 28, 10 - noon

Make your own Baby Jane every month there will be 2 – 3 blocks presented. You are welcome to join this club anytime. All club attendees will receive a fat eighth and receive a 20 % discount for the day of the club.

Every Thursday Liberty Bell is hosting an Open Sew

We have two sessions on Thursdays 2 – 4 pm and 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Our sewing center is free on Thursdays. Bring in that project that has you stumped and we can help you or just bring in some hand work and enjoy the company of other quilters. We of course will have coffee and snacks available.

Winter Fun!

We are still surviving in these bitter cold temperatures with huge snowbanks. Our walk and steps are always free of ice and snow and we usually have a pot of coffee on hand or hot tea/chocolate.
We have lots of exciting activities planned to keep up our spirits during these long winter days. Come in and join the fun! Some of our recent participants are pictured here with their finished projects.

These short projects give instant gratification better than chocolate!

Come in anytime: 11Am until 6 pm Mon.-Sat. Some Sundays we are here to escape the housework and create something beautiful.
See you soon!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Babies and Pastels

January is the month that I start thinking(dreaming) about Spring.  I am beginning to feel the effects of the lack of sun and looking at my pastey skin.   I enjoy working with the nursery prints and all those lovely pastels. I just finished a baby outfit (not an announcement of grandmother-hood).  It happens to be a little dress with small rosebuds and a slip to go underneath.  As I was making this dainty outfit, I reminisced about making many of my daughters dresses when she was a baby and even now as a young adult.  With so many department stores to buy clothing, it is hard to explain the feeling that handmade really evokes.   Today I am working on my "Cupcake Quilt" for Cupcake Week January 26-31.  We are planning some great sales and of course we will have cupcakes both the eatable as well as the fabric type.  So stop out and see us soon the Leelanau County Road Commission is doing a great job of keeping the roads clear.

See you soon,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dear Jane

The next meeting of Dear Jane club will be Saturday, January 24th, from 10 AM until noon. If you are interested in joining, give us a call at 231-228-6689 and we will have a packet ready for you. You will need a pattern book or the CD program, which we can order for you at a special price. This is a long term club activity and each member will create their own version of the Dear Jane quilt.

Pajama Party

Don't you just love it when you can stay in your pajamas all day? We did just that at our PJ party on Sunday Jan. 4th. A prize was awarded to all who arrived in their PJ's (everyone) and new pajama pants were created in a matter of hours.

See the results! Join us for all the fun at Liberty Bell Quilts!

New Year 2009

Our New Year started out with parties-New Year's Eve and the Pajama Party on Sunday Jan.4th.
We had a wonderful time sewing, laughing, and planning more fun for the New Year.

Enjoy the photos! Come and join the fun-it's contagious!

Thank you for all the help on the charity Rail Fence quilts. We have two complete quilts ready to deliver to needy children and more will be completed soon.