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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pincushions not just practical but fun too!

It seems that I am not be the only person that loves pincushions.  In fact there are patterns galore out there to make your own.  I keep collecting patterns both from various blogs and commercial patterns.  Here are my most recent favorites.  Let's just say if you happen to make an extra I could be persuaded to give it a  good home (remember I just upgraded my sewing room to my STUDIO)

Here are the links to my favorite pincushion blogs and tutorials.

Pin Tote Pincushion designed by Kristine D. Poor of Poorhouse Quilt Designs 

The DIY DISH has a great Mannequin Pin Cushion which has the pattern and a video tutorial

The best site is by Riley Blake Designs she will and has posted a pincushion tutorial every Friday of 2012.  She has invited designers to post their pincushion tutorials on her blog.  Every pincushion is adorable.

Birdie Pincushion by Sharon Holland Designs

Please share any pincushions you love.  Perhaps Liberty Bell Quilts could have a Pincushion Show, any thoughts?

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