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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Celebrating Memorial Day Weekend-Leelanau Style...

 Friday, May 25 begins a new summer season here in the county. Spring in Leelanau county is my favorite season.  There are the Trilliams to enjoy.  The elusive Morel Mushroom to forage, the black morel are mostly gone you will still be able to find whites.  Word of caution, although many are edible it is always better to play it safe. Ask an expert.

Get your binoculars out and enjoy The Second Annual Leelanau Peninsula BirdFest which takes place May 30 - June 3. It's a chance to see more than a hundred different species of nesting birds, including the rare Great Lakes Piping Plover. There's all kinds of field trips and special guests including Jerry Weinrich, "Godfather of the Kirtland’s Warbler" and keynote speaker Greg Butcher, the Director of Conservation for National Audubon.

The Sleeping Bear Dunes' designation as the most beautiful place in America by Good Morning America last summer will be bringing in people into our county which will be a win win for the area business'.  The Park is one of my favorite places on earth in fact I plan on camping there this weekend.

Don't forget the Fiber Frenzy
05/25/12 - All Day Long!
Leland - Old Art Building - 111 S. Main

A gigantic sale of "gently used" handmade textile art at great [rices to benefit the Old Art Building. Old Art Building

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