Well it's been a long time since the last blog. As many of you know Judy's (LBQ owner) husband passed away on July 20th. Judy and her sons are getting back to a new normal. The quilt store is also getting back to a new normal also.
Judy and I are attending market in Houston this week. This is our first market, so we are very excited. My suitcase is packed and I am ready to go. I am really excited to tell you all about our adventure. Lot's of pictures to come.
Liberty Bell Quilts hours have changed just a bit for October. We are open Monday - Saturday 11 -6 , Tuesday we are open until 8:30 and Sunday hours are 12-4. The color on the trees are just poking out, but in the next couple of weeks it should be a great time to go for a ride thru Leelanau county. Here are some of our upcoming activities.