and sadly my O-Ma baby (grand-baby) is gone too. I am back to work and the kids are heading home to Washington D.C. We had a fun packed week here in the Leelanau peninsula; wine tasting, dune climbing, polka festing, sitting in the pool and just enjoying our beautiful area. O-Pa (my husband) and I got to babysit everyday. O-Pa was much better at feeding August (O-Ma baby's name) but I knew how to put the baby to sleep (your thinking I bored her to sleep- perhaps!). She is quite the cuddler (not really a word according to spell check) and kisser(apparently kisser is a word in spell check).
Enough with all that baby stuff. The store has been receiving new fabric, patterns and notions. So many new Batiks that some of the older batiks have been moved to the sale room (Oh yea!!! you read that right BATIKS ON SALE)
I have mastered posting the "Block of the Week" BOW on the Liberty Bell Quilts website. The blocks are desserts and finish at 12 inches . Every week a new block. Join us for some fun and HEA! it's free.
I think I just saw the UPS truck, guess it's back to work for me. Holiday is over. Stop in the air conditioning is on!
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