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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I am off again...
Saturday, October 16, 2010
We Are Having A Party at Liberty Bell Quilts

We're Having a Party!
It's Plain As Can Be
So Hurry On Over And don't Be Late
To Enjoy A fun Filled Date.
The Cat Will Be There Along With The Fish
Horton & Sam, The 2 Things And
We Wish That You would come Too
Get In Your Who-Train Saturday, October 23rd
Start Making tracks 3 - 5 In The Afternoon
Food, Games, Discounts And Prizes galore
We Promise You It Won't Be A Bore.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Oh the Places we will go...
Well September went flying by. Here is a synopsis of what has happened in September. Judy and I attended a benefit for Paige Bugai on Labor Day weekend. It seemed the whole town of Cedar came out. I am so proud that I live a community that cares. Paige is an 8 year old child that is wheelchair bound. Her mother could pick her up and put her in the car without any aid in the past. Paige is growing and needs a lift to get into the car. The benefit was to raise the money needed for the lift.
I am a freak when it comes to auctions and I bought my fair share of donated items. The only thing I did not get (hubby was against me even bidding) was 8 yards of gravel. I just thought I could put gravel everywhere ( I have a very small parking area so 8 yards of gravel would have buried my car). I still keep dreaming about gravel and where I could use it. Ahhhhh Dreams!!!!!!
The other exciting thing I did was to visit Washington DC and the Grand peanut (August Jade).The kids were packing up and moving to Bangkok, Thailand. It was their last week in the States. We took August to the museums again (she loves the Hope Diamond, Ruby Slippers and First Ladies dresses). I also rode with her on her first Carousel ride. We choose the blue horse. She waved at Opa (Ted) every time we went around. It was a tearful goodbye and my husband accepted the fact that we will have to go visit Bangkok (which was never on our bucket list). Until then I am pretty sure I can still spoil her even if she is half way around the world.
Now I am looking forward to fall and winter. New classes, more sewing time, holidays, Houston Market and we are planning a Special Secret Event Oct 23. Food , Fun, prizes and a special presentation. Save the date. I will keep you posted. Remember to enjoy the moments!!!!
Well time I get back to work. I have a party to help plan.